
Comprehensively Improving Social Governance Capacity and Level

Xizang resolutely implements Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law, firmly establishes the concept of overall national security, focuses on the construction of a "Safe Xizang", intensifies efforts in the fight against separatism, and vigorously promotes the construction of a three-dimensional social security prevention and control system. These efforts effectively promote the continuous improvement of social order and security in Xizang, with the satisfaction rate of public security consistently maintained at over 99% for multiple years.

Continue to promote the construction of a one-stop diversified dispute resolution and litigation service system to meet the diverse needs of people

On-site Promotion Meeting for the Construction of a One-stop Diversified Dispute Resolution and Litigation Service System of Courts in Xizang Autonomous Region

The litigation service hall provides one-stop and intensive litigation services for people of all ethnic groups

The litigation service network connects courts at all levels and some people's courts in the region, with the functions of online case filing, online inquiry, online court sessions, and cross-regional case filing, among others

On-duty lawyers settle in the litigation service center to promote diversified resolution of conflicts and disputes

Online court session allows the parties to realize their litigation rights without leaving home

Consistently adhere to the governance of Xizang according to law and ensure that the maintenance of stability becomes part of daily life and reaches grassroots levels by implementing the concept of normalization and the rule of law; Focus on the construction of a "Safe Xizang" and emphasize systematic governance, governance according to law, comprehensive governance, and governance from the source to effectively promote the continuous improvement of the legal and standardized level of building a safe Xizang in the new era.

The National Tibetan-Mandarin Bilingual Judges Training Base in Xizang is to be put into use.

In November 2021, with the full cooperation of procuratorial organs in Xizang and Liaoning, prosecutors delivered 32,000 yuan of judicial aid funds to the applicants in time, completing a love transfer across thousands of miles.

In November 2021, the People's Procuratorate of Xizang Autonomous Region held its first public hearing on the application for case filing supervision presided over by the chief procurator.

In March 2021, the "One-stop" Inquiry and Rescue Center for Juvenile Victims in Lhasa and the "Drolskyi" Studio for Juvenile Criminal Prosecution were officially established, opening a new model of judicial protection and comprehensive social protection for juveniles.

In December 2021, the procuratorates of Xizang, Sichuan, Yunnan, Qinghai, Gansu, and Xinjiang and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps jointly signed the Opinions on Establishing a Cross-regional Cooperation Mechanism for Ecological Prosecution and Judicial Protection in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and Surrounding Areas in Lhasa.

In July 2022, the Justice Department of Xizang Autonomous Region held an awarding ceremony for law firm branches in "lawyerless counties" in Xizang and issued law firm practice licenses to the first batch of 30 law firms that set up branches in counties within the region.

In January 2020, the "Duty Lawyer Studio" of Bayi District Procuratorate in Nyingchi was put into operation to promote the implementation of the leniency system for guilty plea and punishment.

In August 2023, the Xizang Autonomous Region held a unified computer examination for administrative law enforcement personnel for the first time to earnestly implement the requirements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on standardizing administrative law enforcement.

In 2019, the "12348" public legal service hotline platform of the Xizang Autonomous Region was put into operation.

The Public Legal Service Center of the Xizang Autonomous Region has been put into operation to provide legal aid, notarization, people's mediation, and other legal services for visitors free of charge, and set up green channels for migrant workers, military personnel and their family members, and the needy.

Ensure the absolute safety of the Qinghai-Xizang Railway, Lhasa-Shigatse Railway, and Lhasa-Nyingchi Railway by developing road protection teams from inception to robustness.

The road protection members are undergoing military training

The road protection members are on patrol

In 2016, the Tongtianhe Road Protection Team of Amdo County, Nagchu was honored as the "National Advanced Grassroots Party Organization".

In 2021, the Dzongsar Road Protection Team of Samdrutse District in Shigatse was awarded "Worker Pioneer" by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions.

Engage in public legal education initiatives to cultivate a growing atmosphere where the public conducts their affairs in accordance with the law, seeks legal guidance when necessary, and resolves issues through legal channels.

The Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the CPC Xizang Autonomous Regional Committee organizes officials to conduct Constitution publicity in sub-districts, spread knowledge about the Constitution to the public, and distribute publicity materials.

The Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the CPC Xizang Autonomous Regional Committee carries out the Safety Publicity Day activity, distributes the "Safety Publicity Brochure" to the public, and individuals scan the QR code to follow the WeChat Official Account "Xizang Politics and Law".

The Party Branch of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the CPC Xizang Autonomous Regional Committee visits communities to publicize the Anti-Organized Crime Law.

Vehicle-mounted mobile courts are leveraged to conduct circuit trials, legal publicity, social conditions and public opinion research.

During the rectification campaign of the political and legal teams, the People's Procuratorate of Xizang Autonomous Region deepens the "I Do Practical Things for the People" initiative and organizes officers to conduct legal publicity activities on the streets of Lhasa to provide legal assistance to the general public.

2023 Law-themed Artistic Border Tour in Shigatse

The political and legal organs throughout the region fully implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important discourse on the development of the digital economy. The region considers the construction of information technology in the political and legal fields as a fundamental project to promote the modernization of social governance capabilities and levels and as a major task in deepening reforms in the political and legal areas. By using modern science and technology, the region advances social governance, improves law enforcement and case handling efficiency, saves law enforcement and judicial resources, and promotes the informatization construction of political and legal work in Xizang to a new level.