
Enhance Quality and Efficiency of Industrial Development

Xizang regards industries as a crucial foundation and strong support for high-quality development. It leads the establishment of a modern industrial system through scientific and technological innovation, continuously optimizing the primary industry, expanding the secondary industry, and upgrading the tertiary industry. This concerted effort aims to build a modern industrial system that supports future development.

Growth chart of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in Xizang in 2013-2023

Clean energy industry

By the end of 2023, the installed power capacity in Xizang reached 7.5809 million kilowatts, a 5.2-fold increase from the 2012 level. The proportion of installed clean energy power reached 95.2%, ranking first in China. In 2015, Xizang achieved the first transmission of its electricity out of the region, marking a historic transformation from power shortages and rationing to surplus output, with cumulative transmitted electricity exceeding 20 billion kWh.

Statistical chart of power generation in Xizang in 2000-2023

Statistical chart of annual electricity transmitted out of Xizang in 2015-2023

In December 2011, the Qinghai-Xizang power grid interconnection project with a total investment of 13.918 billion yuan was completed and put into operation, ending the history of isolated power grid operation in Xizang.

In November 2014, the Sichuan-Xizang power grid interconnection project with a total investment of 6.63 billion yuan was completed and put into operation, ending the history of isolated power grid operation in Chamdo.

In November 2018, the central Xizang power grid interconnection project was completed and connected to the grid, realizing the interconnection between Qinghai-Xizang and Sichuan-Xizang power grid interconnection projects.

In December 2020, the Ngari power grid interconnection project with a total investment of 7.4 billion yuan was completed and put into operation, forming a unified power grid in Xizang.

Green industry

Xizang's industry has grown significantly, evolving through four stages: initial growth, expansion and rapid development, transformation and upgrading, and high-quality development. From 2012 to 2023, Xizang's industrial added value grew at an average annual rate of 10.7%, ranking among the top in China in 2021, 2022, and 2023. In 2023, the proportion of industrial added value above the designated size in Xizang's GDP exceeded 10% for the first time.

Xizang, known as the "Water Tower of Asia", boasts an average annual water resource of 439.4 billion cubic meters, accounting for 16.5% of China's total. Its per capita share of water resources ranks first in the country, making it the region with the most abundant water resources in China. Xizang's water resources are rich in various natural major and trace elements, recognized as some of the best freshwater resources in the world. The region hosts 56 natural drinking water production enterprises and more than 60 production lines. The designed capacity has expanded from less than 700,000 tons in 2012 to over 5.8 million tons, with production technology reaching advanced levels in China.

The region focuses on mining copper, lead, zinc, lithium from salt lakes, and ferrochrome. Copper ore resources account for about 43% of China's total, and lithium resources in salt lakes account for about 48% of China's total, both ranking first in the country. In 2023, the added value of the mining industry above the designated size in Xizang reached 13.3 billion yuan, accounting for 52.43% of the total added value of the industry above the designated size. Mining has become an important pillar industry in Xizang. The green building materials industry in Xizang continues to develop robustly. In 2023, there were 69 building material enterprises above the designated size, with an output value of 8.46 billion yuan, marking a year-on-year (YoY) increase of 62.21%. Cement production reached a record high of 11.9843 million tons.

Schematic diagram of industrial development at different stages in Xizang

10,000-ton Battery-grade Lithium Carbonate Project in Chabyêr

Julong Copper's large-scale intelligent ore dressing system

Pashod Conch Cement Plant

With an average altitude of over 4,000 meters, Xizang has atmospheric oxygen content equivalent to 60% of sea level. Prioritizing oxygen supply guarantee, Xizang vigorously supports enterprises in developing and producing medical and healthcare equipment suitable for high-altitude areas. These products are widely used in government bodies, enterprises, public organizations, hospitals, and residences, significantly improving the production and living environment on the plateau.

Xizang Highland Barley Brewery

Yuwell's oxygen production line

Xizang prioritizes "improving people's well-being and raising quality of life" as a key development direction. It actively explores ways to develop a plateau-based light industry that aligns with its conditions. Xizang actively promotes a "cookware revolution", which has led to the development of more than 30 types of plateau cookware across seven categories, applications of 18 national patents, and registration of trademarks such as "Snow Lotus" and "Kalzang Flower". To date, 850,000 plateau cookers of various types have been sold, with sales exceeding 300 million yuan.

National intangible cultural heritage inheritor Norbu Sidar is giving a lecture at Xizang Thangka Painting Academy

Making Tibetan incense

Cultural tourism industry

In 2023, the output value of the cultural industry in Xizang reached 8.987 billion yuan. The region boasts one national cultural industry demonstration park and five national cultural industry demonstration bases. It features five 5A tourist attractions, three national historical and cultural cities, four national scenic areas, four national leisure blocks, one national tourist resort, and five national night culture and tourism consumption clusters. Throughout the year, the region welcomed 55.1697 million domestic and foreign tourist arrivals, generating tourism revenue of 65.146 billion yuan.

Statistical chart of the number of visits and total tourism revenue in 2021-2023

Located on the Sichuan-Xizang Highway in Nyingchi, Xizang, Lulang International Tourism Town, which is aided by Guangdong Province and has a superior location and rich tourism resources, is known as the "Oriental Switzerland".

The 5th China Xizang Tourism and Culture Expo

The 2023 Yarlung Cultural Tourism Festival co-hosted by Hubei Province and Lhoka City

The large-scale live performance "Princess Wencheng" draws inspiration from Xizang's history and culture and Lhasa's natural landscapes.

Agriculture and animal husbandry with plateau characteristics

Focusing on increasing the added value of highland barley, meat, milk, and other products, Xizang has made significant efforts to promote the large-scale, high-end, refined, functional, and serialized development of the intensive processing industry for agricultural and livestock products. In 2023, the region housed 29 agricultural and livestock product processing enterprises above the designated size, with an output value of 1.914 billion yuan. This industry directly employed 18,000 farmers and herdsmen and indirectly increased the income of more than 400,000 farmers and herdsmen.

Shandong-aided vegetable production base in Bainang County

Xizang Lvzhiyuan Modern Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. that introduces resources from Hunan

Tianjin-aided Ngawang sheep modern breeding base in Chamdo

Unique plateau agricultural goods

Tibetan eggs

Plateau pea flour

Plateau highland barley products

Modern service industry

Xizang has been strengthening the development of a modern trade circulation system. It has built 39 important commodity reserve warehouses, 33 agricultural and livestock product circulation infrastructures, 74 county-level wet markets, and 113,000 square meters of cold chain storage. It has implemented 10 cross-regional cold chain logistics distribution center projects and 31 county commercial system construction projects. It has achieved full coverage of e-commerce services, fully restored the operation of supply and marketing cooperative organizations, and established 39 grassroots supply and marketing cooperatives. Modern commerce and trade service networks in agricultural and pastoral areas have essentially taken shape.

Layout of trade circulation networks in Xizang

Xizang's first highly intelligent logistics warehouse

Traditional Tibetan medicine industry

The Tibetan medicine industry chain has been continuously improved, resulting in the formation of domestically and internationally well-known Tibetan medicine production enterprises and brands. Xizang boasts 17 enterprises obtaining GMP Certification, 311 national drug approval numbers from the National Medical Products Administration, and 22 famous trademarks. The Four Treatises of Tibetan Medicine has been included in the UNESCO Memory of the World Register, and the Tibetan medicinal bathing has been inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The influence of Tibetan medicine is steadily increasing.

Modern production workshop of Tibetan medicine enterprise

《The Four Treatises of Tibetan Medicine has been included in the UNESCO Memory of the World Register

Tibetan medicine series products

High-tech digital industry

In 2023, the added value of the core industries of the digital economy in Xizang exceeded 25 billion yuan, up 19.3% YoY and accounting for more than 10% of the region's GDP for the first time. The average growth rate has surpassed 12% for three consecutive years. Fixed broadband and 4G networks cover all administrative villages, while the 5G network extends to all counties and key townships, with the number of 5G base stations per capita ranking first in China. The "1+7+N" big data center system has been basically established, and the layout of an integrated data governance system has been accelerated. The initiative of accessing government services via a single website has achieved remarkable results, e-commerce has been comprehensively promoted in rural areas, several key informatization projects have been put into operation, and digital transformation pilot demonstrations have led the development. The high-tech digital industry is emerging as a new driving force for high-quality economic and social development in Xizang.

General aviation industry

In 2023, general aviation enterprises in Xizang conducted 2,128 flights, carrying out 1,249.5 hours of flight operations and serving 2,365 passenger trips. UAVs flew 8,411 flights, transported 106 tons of materials, and completed 875.1 hours of border patrol.

Wang Junzheng, Secretary of the CPC Xizang Autonomous Regional Committee, investigates the development of Xizang's general aviation industry

Lhasa Xueying General Aviation Co., Ltd.