
Remarkable Achievements in Deepened and Expanded Group-based Xizang Assistance by Educational Talent

In 2016, the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China launched the first batch of organized education professionals' support for Xizang. As of 2018, 17 provinces and cities for pairing assistance and relevant units sent 1,276 educational professionals to Xizang to support 20 schools, promoting the all-around development of all undertakings in these schools. Since 2019, the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee has included educational professionals providing "group-based" support in Xizang as part of the overall plan for selecting and dispatching officials to aid Xizang. A total of 17 provinces and cities for pairing assistance have sent two groups of educational professionals (totaling 800 people) to support 21 primary and secondary schools in Xizang. Various undertakings at the supported schools have made significant progress, driving the whole region to improve the quality of basic education. Therefore, the goal of "supporting one school, demonstrating for a whole region" is realized.

Accelerate the Renewal of Educational Concepts

Adhering to consolidating a sense of community for the Chinese nation, efforts have been made to cultivate talent for the Party and the country, innovate ideological and political education with Xizang's characteristics, guide local teachers to transform their teaching philosophies, and gradually transition students' classes toward intelligent and in-depth classes, with a focus on creating a joyful learning experience for children, enhancing their learning abilities, and thus effectively improving the quality and standards of basic education.

Children carefully cultivated by the Minchang Teaching Studio

Inheritance of treasure—A Xizang-aid teacher teaches children to identify traditional herbal medicine

Building a Xizang-aid education brand

Promote Accessible Quality Educational Resources by Electronic Means

Led by the "Mt. Qomolangma Qiyun Xizang Education" plan under the "Informatization 2.0 Action Plan", efforts have been made to fully utilize the Internet Plus teaching model to accelerate schools' informatization development, effectively conduct activities such as online classrooms, synchronous teaching and research, and long-distance teaching, and implement the "Taking Root on Plateau, Nourishing Hearts" action for quality courses, to provide a more equitable and higher-quality learning environment for children on the plateau.

Multimedia teaching lesson preparation

On-campus TV station lights up children's dreams of youth

Online teaching research, lesson preparation, and other activities

Drive Steady Improvement in Educational and Teaching Standards

Since the launch of "group-based" education support for Xizang in 2016, various Xizang assistance teams have carried out extensive master-apprentice pairings, the new and the old pairings, course pairings, subject assistance, and other activities. A total of 2,518 master-apprentice relationships have been formed, 120 associations and teaching and research teams established, and a community of mutual help and learning formed. Xizang-aid teachers and local teachers jointly prepare lessons and formulate teaching plans, which promotes the rapid growth of local teachers.

Since the launch of "group-based" educational aid for Xizang in 2016, Xizang-aid teachers have had 4,277 visits to the countryside and conducted more than 50,000 instances of local teachers benefiting from this form of assistance. Efforts have been made to promote profound changes in local schools' educational concepts, management methods, and classroom teaching skills and methods.

A smiling Xizang-aid medic among Xizang's children

Study tour of Chamdo's middle school teachers and students in Chongqing

Anhui-Xizang cooperation

Hebei and Xizang children learn together, exchange ideas, and grow together