
Build a Stronghold to Guard Border Areas and Ensure Local Stability

Xizang adheres to the principle that matters in border areas are crucial, and that a nation's stability and strength are essential for the security of our homeland. Guided by Party building, it unites people of all ethnic groups to stand together and take root in the border areas to protect the country's territory and build local communities, enhancing joint efforts in safeguarding and strengthening the border areas.

Strengthen the Pairing Development between Military and Local Party Organizations at the Primary Levels

Xizang consistently advances the initiatives of "five joints and five consolidates" and builds Party organizations at primary levels in border agricultural and pastoral areas as strongholds in forging a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation, guiding the residents toward prosperity, maintaining social stability, safeguarding border territories, and fighting against separatism.

Officers and soldiers of the army provide free medical treatment services

Military-civilian exchange and interaction to learn ethnic languages

Party, government, army, police, and civilians make joint efforts for border patrol

Party, government, army, police, and civilians swear to the Party flag

Xizang vigorously implements the rural revitalization strategy with the theme of "guardians of sacred territory and builders of a happy homeland", contributing to the improved living standards of people in border areas and enhanced awareness of patriotism and commitment to border security.

"Our hometown is Yulmed and our homeland is China" is deeply imprinted in the hearts of Drolkar and Yangzom

Party members and people of Lolung Village, Dem Township, Nang County, spontaneously organized activities celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China as well as the 60th anniversary of Democratic Reform in Xizang and the 2019 Spring Festival and Losar Festival Gala performances.

The happy life of Monpa, Lhopa, Sherpa, and Deng people